Green Sand Division
Lyle Pavloff 50 Year Retirement Celebration
On Thursday May 28 2015, EACP celebrated the retirement of one of our maintenance technicians Lyle Pavloff. Lyle’s years of service in the same foundry were recognized when Mark Fazakerley and John Workman purchased Eagle Aluminum in 2002. At the time Lyle began working in 1965, the foundry casted brass and bronze as well as aluminum. Lyle has developed a certain affinity with brass castings and upon his retirement Kurt Fifield (General Manager) presented him with a personalized brass wrench comemorating his 50 years of service. John Workman said it best, “Lyle you are an excellent example to all of us, especially young men and women, of commitment and hard work. You are one of the hardest workers we have had at EACP, thank you for your service.”